A 37-year-old man visits his physician with complaints of sore throat, fever and muscle aches for 4 days. Throat swab is negative. His physician discussed with him the use of antibiotics in his case. The patient had read in an old magazine that one of the antibiotics is effective but the his physician explains that this antibiotic is highly nephrotoxic.
Which one of these antibiotics is the most nephrotoxic?
A- Ampicillin
B- Amoxicillin
C- Cloxacillin
D- Methicillin
E- Rifampin
A 37-year-old man visits his physician with complaints of sore throat, fever and muscle aches for 4 days. Throat swab is negative. His physician discussed with him the use of antibiotics in his case. The patient had read in an old magazine that one of the antibiotics is effective but the his physician explains that this antibiotic is highly nephrotoxic.
Which one of these antibiotics is the most nephrotoxic?
A- Ampicillin
B- Amoxicillin
C- Cloxacillin
D- Methicillin
E- Rifampin