Twenty-four hours after placement of a catheter, a hospitalized patient develops a fever and chills. Within 1 hour her systolic blood pressure falls 30 points and she develops swelling in her extremities. Despite valiant efforts by the hospital staff, the patient dies. X-ray of the patient’s lungs taken only hours before she passed away shows pulmonary edema. Which of the following mediators of this patient’s disease process is most likely responsible for the pathology described?
(A) C3a
(B) C5a
(C) Hageman factor
(D) γ-Interferon
(E) Interleukin-1
(F) Nitric oxide
Twenty-four hours after placement of a catheter, a hospitalized patient develops a fever and chills. Within 1 hour her systolic blood pressure falls 30 points and she develops swelling in her extremities. Despite valiant efforts by the hospital staff, the patient dies. X-ray of the patient’s lungs taken only hours before she passed away shows pulmonary edema. Which of the following mediators of this patient’s disease process is most likely responsible for the pathology described?
(A) C3a
(B) C5a
(C) Hageman factor
(D) γ-Interferon
(E) Interleukin-1
(F) Nitric oxide
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